Za što precizniju dostavu, prilikom davanja podataka za dostavu u narednom koraku, obavezno navedite:
- tačne podatke za primaoca;
- vreme dostave (u koliko časova);
Dostavu vršimo tokom radnog vremena. Tačan spisak naselja u koja vršimo dostavu i cenu iste pogledaj ovde. Porudžbinu je potrebno uraditi najmanje 24h pre vremena kada želite dostavu!
Ponedeljak – subota: 07:00h – 20:00h
Nedelja: 08:00h – 12:00h
For the most accurate delivery, when providing delivery information in the next step, be sure to specify:
accurate data for the recipient;
delivery time (in how many hours);
We deliver during working hours. The exact list of settlements to which we deliver and the price of the same can be found here. The order must be made at least 24 hours before the time when you want delivery!
Monday – Saturday: 07:00 – 20:00
Sunday: 08:00 – 12:00